Not ready to commit? Check your chances first
Ready to join?
Here’s how
Find out if you’re likely to be approved, without affecting your credit score
If you want to apply, just download the app to do some final checks
Pick your membership, sign your agreement and get your digital card
The difference between soft and hard checks
We’ll always tell you exactly when each check happens, so there are no surprises.

Build your credit score with us
Missing payments can impact things too, so it's important to make payments on time and only borrow what you can afford to repay.
Become a member today

See if you’re eligible
You’re eligible for Yonder membership!
“Goodbye Amex, Hello Yonder”
Ask us anything
It’s just a few quick questions about you, like your age and how much you earn, to help understand if you’re likely to be approved for Yonder.
We’ll only run a ‘soft check’ on your credit report at this point, which doesn’t impact your credit score at all, and won’t be visible to other lenders.
If you’re eligible and decide to finalise your application, we’ll then perform a ‘hard check’, which will show on your credit report, but is typical for all credit card applications.
It’s worth knowing that, having multiple ‘hard checks’ on your report within a short space of time can affect your credit score.
Getting approved isn’t just about having a good credit score (though that certainly helps). When we review your application, we look at a few key things to make sure we’re the right fit for you.
Here’s what we take into account:
- How much credit you already have: This includes things like other cards, loans, or big financial commitments.
- Your income and work: For example, how stable your current job is.
- Your living situation: How long you’ve been at your current address and whether it shows financial stability.
- Your payment history: Have you kept up with other credit repayments on time?
- Your financial experience: Things like how long you’ve had a current account in your name.
Most of the time, the information you provide during your eligibility check is enough for us to make a decision. If we need a little more detail, we’ll ask for it—and we’ll make the process as smooth as possible.
Because we’re a fully regulated company, we have to verify all of our members’ identities. So, to help us do that, we ask you to send over some snaps of you and your ID, which is a whole lot easier using a mobile app, and means we can make a decision much much quicker.
Once we’ve fully verified your finances and ID, you’ll be able to choose either the full or free membership in the app.